Discounted Resources for Entrepreneurs

As a TOOL-member you have access to a broad range of discounted value creating services for your business – all from design and legal services to advice on sustainable business models. The services in the TOOL Box are curated and custom made for ocean and renewable energy entrepreneurs and partners.
Send an e-mail to for details on how to secure your discounts.

We offer the following TOOLs for you as a paying member:

Drop-in Space with TOOL hub partners (Global)

Shared two-way access to dropin space and soft landing when visiting other hubs & innovation clusters; AltaSea at the Port of L.A., ÅKP – Ålesund, TheFactory – Oslo, Makers Bay – Hong Kong, Nordic Innovation House – Mumbai, Ocean Impact Organisation – Sydney, ++

Nordic Innovators (Europe)

Special services and discounted prices on NIN´s innovation & application services for soft funding within Norwegian, Nordic and European markets. NIN also allocates part of their win-fee back to a shared funding structure with TOOL which will go back to re-investing in ocean & energy entrepreneurs through SPVs or funds.

Innovation Norway’s Brand Services

TOOL members have access to Innovation Norway’s brand toolkit and services so that they can use Brand Norway in order to market their company abroad.

Insurance, Pension & Banking (Norway)

Storebrand has set up a special green product platform, where all of TOOL´s paying members & partners in Norway holds 20% discount on their pension & insurance products. Storebrand is ranked as best in class on green products, and among the world´s 10% most sustainable publicly listed companies. Storebrand will also provide expertise/seminars on sustainable finance/investments and innovative procurement.

MyOnvent (Global)

10% discount on prices if you wish to purchase your own MyOnvent license.

Berngaard Legal Services (Norway)

Access to free legal templates, discounted legal fees, and 4 annual legal seminars customized for TOOL entrepreneurs. 

Accounting, financial support (Norway)

Havtal accounting services specializes on ocean industries. Discounted terms and special packages for TOOL members in Norway.

Innovation/design services (Global)

Discounted services from the Swedish business development and innovation agency Hedylity Technologies. 

Vibbio (Global)

40% discount on video creation for internal & external communication.